dimanche 15 juin 2014

My University

-My University: Shanghai University of International Business and Economics (SUIBE) it is the new name of the well known Shanghai Institute Of Foreign Trade.

  • I am studying in a Chineese University located in Shanghai specialized in the international trade market.The first thing we realised when we arrived in this University was the welcoming of the teachers and the directors. They invited us to choose our classes together, I choosed to study Chineese with 6 hours per week, How to do Business in China that was a really good and very excititing class with an amazing chineese economic lawyer! I choosed some classes about China history and about the financial system in Asia.We finished the semester with a trading simulation in the real trading situation in an open space and we had to make our proofs.

  • The teachers were very motivated to help us to learn fast about their culture, and because we had some class-mates from everywhere in the world it was more easy to understand it by helping each other.

  • The location of the university was in the business area of Shanghai, the place was nice and the buildings quite news

  • Inside the University many sports competitions were set up such as the Olympic Games of the University where my room-mates and I proudly represented France against many other countries from all over the world. We also participated to a dragon boat race that is very famous in Shanghai. It's a race organized by the city on the Hangpu River it looks like the aviron's races but the atmosphere was really exciting and every chineese were there to watch it !

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