dimanche 15 juin 2014

The advertising in shanghai:

  • I will not talk to you about a particular ad in Shanghai but about a way to show those ads to everybody in Shanghai. Shanghai is a really huge city and it is very expensive to buy a car so many people are using the cabs because they are really cheap, less than two euros for more than 15 minutes driving. So the chineese taxi company decided to equipate all the cabs of the city with Tv at the back of the driver seat that are diffusing ads all along the traject.

  • Using the cab traject to show some ads, the brands can captivate all the customer attention because he doesn't have anything else to do than watching it and thinking about it.

  • I found this system very clever and the results of it shows that it really works;

  1. Shanghai taxis transport 90 million riders per month. Passengers sit in traffic an average of 18 minutes.
  2.  Shanghai-based advertising company Touchmedia says those are the ingredients that have helped it raise around $40 million from investors, including a just-completed funding round over $14.6 million in the midst of the young Chinese venture capital industry’s toughest period yet.

My University

-My University: Shanghai University of International Business and Economics (SUIBE) it is the new name of the well known Shanghai Institute Of Foreign Trade.

  • I am studying in a Chineese University located in Shanghai specialized in the international trade market.The first thing we realised when we arrived in this University was the welcoming of the teachers and the directors. They invited us to choose our classes together, I choosed to study Chineese with 6 hours per week, How to do Business in China that was a really good and very excititing class with an amazing chineese economic lawyer! I choosed some classes about China history and about the financial system in Asia.We finished the semester with a trading simulation in the real trading situation in an open space and we had to make our proofs.

  • The teachers were very motivated to help us to learn fast about their culture, and because we had some class-mates from everywhere in the world it was more easy to understand it by helping each other.

  • The location of the university was in the business area of Shanghai, the place was nice and the buildings quite news

  • Inside the University many sports competitions were set up such as the Olympic Games of the University where my room-mates and I proudly represented France against many other countries from all over the world. We also participated to a dragon boat race that is very famous in Shanghai. It's a race organized by the city on the Hangpu River it looks like the aviron's races but the atmosphere was really exciting and every chineese were there to watch it !


Suzhou: The Oriental Venice

  • Suzhou is a small town located in the center of the Yangtze Delta, in the south of Jiangsu Province and at the west of Shanghai . Since 42% area of the city is covered by water, including a vast number of ponds and streams, it is praised as the 'Oriental Venice'.

  • We spend one day in this charming city walking around the river and we took a small boat with a "shifu" who is a local driver to visit all the canals of this small Venice. During our trip the driver was singing sometraditionnal suzhou songs and he told us that he was a collector of foreign money such as euros and dollars! We gave him a few euros and we learned later that this money is used to make some fake copy of those notes...

  • The last thing we visited in the city of love made in China was a very beautiful garden with its lake, its trees in flowers and all the rocks that were compouding it. Its name is the Humble Administrator's Garden (拙政园/拙政園; Zhuōzhèng Yuán).  With more than 51000 m2, it is the largest garden in Suzhou and is considered by some to be the finest garden in all of southern China. Zhuozheng Yuan, along with other classical gardens of Suzhou was proclaimed a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1977.

Great Wall of China, well who does not know this wall?

The Great Wall, one of the greatest wonders of the world, was listed as a World Heritage by UNESCO in 1987. Just like a gigantic dragon, the Great Wall winds up and down across deserts, grasslands, mountains and plateaus, stretching approximately 8,851.8 kilometers (5,500 miles) from east to west of China.

With a history of more than 2000 years, some of the sections are now in ruins or have disappeared. However, it is still one of the most appealing attractions all around the world owing to its architectural grandeur and historical significance.

    A part of the great wall that we have seen during our walk along this wall that is in ruins in the middle of         the chineese mountains..
  During our trip on the wall we met s guide that told us an old story about a men who         walked all allong the wall during more than a year and spend all this time thinking about life   and future during more than 8000 kilometers.

mardi 25 mars 2014

Lujiazui Central Green Space

    This article is about a place that I discovered with my French friends in Shanghai and I found it really nice and new for us in this big town.

So this place is a park with a small lake, some trees and central green space decorated with flowers and some other kinds of plants. This kind of place is really unique here because it is located in the middle of the business district, and around the park, are the biggest towers of the town. This place is really appreciated by all the people that are working in this area, for example they enjoy coming and having their lunch sitting around the lake, it creates a real break in their daily life.

The air is refreshing, an amazing escape from the city concrete forest. Some of the green grass is bought from European countries.

With an area of 100000 square meters, it is the largest green space opened up by Shanghai government; it is located in the core area of Lujia zui Commercial Center District. 

vendredi 8 novembre 2013

The beginning


My name is Jean Jaulerry alias Joe la Chine. I am a french student in second year of  ESDES in Lyon. I will spend less than five months in Shanghai and this blog will be the presentation of my stay in the town and of the expériences wich I am going to make. I will add twice a month articles with pictures of my trip and I hope that you will enjoy it.

The theme of the blog will be the discovery of Asia and it's culture with articles mixing my own experiences with humor and poetry. I planned to travel in Asia and I can so make you discover the secrets and the mysteries of this continent.

See you soon,
